Bible Study

This group welcomes ladies of all ages to join in and gain spiritual wisdom and understanding of God’s word. An in-depth study and discussion of a chosen book in the bible offers all involved the chance to grow their knowledge. Everyone is encouraged to share their opinion and point of view on the material being studied. It is also a wonderful opportunity to share personal prayer concerns, testimonies, and praise reports. We are currently studying the book of Matthew. Past studies have included Mark, Ruth, and Esther.



From time to time, we get together for fun and fellowship.  We have painted together on a couple of occasions and will be putting more events together soon.


Offerings that WMU supports:

Lottie Moon

Every penny you give to the offering goes directly to support international missionaries. The offering goes toward  salaries, medical care, housing, transportation, and children’s education for missionaries.

Annie Armstrong

The offering benefits the work of the North American Mission Board. Because you give, missionaries are planting churches and meeting needs across North America. 

Margaret Lackey

The Margaret Lackey offering is the primary funding stream for key mission efforts in many different areas in our state.  Some of those include Camp Garaywa, disaster relief, and mission volunteers. 

Edwina Robison

The MS WMU Edwina Robinson Offering is an offering that helps Mississippi Baptist Churches to provide missions compassion, discipling, encouragement, and connections to offering recipients.

135 Main Street Liberty, MS 39645